Friday, March 28, 2008

European Kendo Championships in Helsinki

Last weekend the EKC was held in Helsinki, the second time in Finland. The 1st time was in 1993 in Turku. This time I went to see and to help a little bit the organisation.

The Championships ran very smoothly and everything was well under control. Congratulations for the Finnish organisation for the great job!

What comes to the championships, there were plenty of excellent shiais, a lot of energy, beautiful points,... and great atmosphere! I took some photos during the women's fights. There were 3 dedicated photographers in the tournament; thousands of photos will be made available very shortly.

The Party on Sunday night was also great fun. The Micragirls were playing some very energetic music. You might not like it (most of the foreigners were just looking completely astonished of the music...), but at least there was loads of energy in the night club during their performance.